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Sunday, October 12, 2008

FitCast Insider on Sale!

All -

Just a quick note - FitCast creator Kevin Larrabee just let me know that the FitCast Insider is one sale now. There's over 1 GB worth of information, including three interviews with moi.

Here's the line-up:

Dr. John Berardi- G-Flux Simplified

Bill Hartman- Building a Better Body

Tony Gentilcore- 5 Exercises That You Should be Doing But Aren't

Cassandra Forsythe- How to Get the Bikini Ready Body

Mike Robertson- The #1 Injury in the Top Six Sports and How to Prevent Them

Robert (Dos) Remedios- Increasing Vert and Speed (With downloadable spreadsheet)

Alwyn Cosgrove- Fat Loss Program Design and What Works

Mike Robertson- A Joint by Joint Approach (2-Parts)

Tony Gentilcore- Bulking and Program Design (2-Parts, and it includes a downloadable example

spreadsheet from Tony)

Dan John- The Extremely Popular Dan John Squat Video (600MB High quality 640x480 resolution download)

Jim Labadie- Fitness Sales, Publicity, and Mindset

Cassandra Forsythe- Ketogenic Diets and Beta-Alanine (How easy it is to implement a ketogenic diet and who should be taking beta-alanine)

Tony Gentilcore- Top 5 Program Mistakes and How to Fix Them (2-Parts)

Jimmy Smith- The Importance of Ankles

Jimmy Smith- Extreme Fat-Loss

Jim (Smitty) Smith- Grip, Program Design, Gait Analysis (Including how to analyze gait with $5 worth of materials)

Carl Valle- Regeneration

Carl Valle- Med Ball Circuits, Plyos, and Much More (seriously, it's two hours long)

Mike Boyle- CNS Intensive Training

If you're interested in picking up all these great interviews, just follow the link below.

Stay strong


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