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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Testimonial - Knee health advice

A young gentleman by the name of Antoine wrote me a few weeks ago with serious knee pain. I gave him some advice to try and help him out; here's the e-mail I got from him two days ago. Enjoy!

Stay strong

Here is some follow-up after a month or so:

I've been doing the eccentric, single-leg squats on a decline board for a few weeks as you suggested. It doesn't hurt but it is a bit uncomfortable. This being said, I can now do, without any weight, squats and lunges pain free.

I recently tried light deadlifts and front squats (ATG) and it seems to be fine.

So..... this stuff works!

I'll now add some glutes exercises (SLDL, hip abduction, step-up, etc)

Thanks again!

If you're interested, be sure to check out my Bulletproof Knees DVD and manual to help with your long-term approach to knee health.

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