Mike Robertson's Blog
High Octane Corrective Exercise and Performance Enhancement | www.RobertsonTrainingSystems.com
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The NEW Website is ready to rock!
I'll no longer be posting blogs on this site, so please make sure to change your RSS feeds accordingly!
Check it out HERE
Stay strong
Friday, December 19, 2008
Coming Events and Randomness
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Products I Like: Combat Core
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I-FAST featured on Fox 59 Morning News
In this segment we wanted to show the viewers that there are tons of ways to have "metabolic" workouts without stepping on a treadmill or recumbent bike. I was a little disappointed in my pulling technique on the keg cleans, but then again I wasn't really expecting to do it in a full winter coat either! Let me be the first to tell you, it was NOT warm yesterday when we were filming.... ;)
Stay strong
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sport-specific training for kids?

The key with sport-specificity, however, is the context within which you're applying it. Especially with younger athletes, the goal should be to have some sport-specificity to the programming (deceleration work for team sports, scap/rotator cuff stabilization for overhead athletes, etc.), but not a ridiculous amount. After all, a 14 year-old athlete may be awesome at baseball, but his long-term potential is seriously compromised by letting him play the same sport year round. Wouldn't he learn more sports and motor skills by also playing basketball in the winter? Or soccer in the fall? The goal should be to develop a broad athletic base that can be built upon in the future.
Beyond the physical advantages to playing multiple sports, there are mental advantages as well. Firstly, you learn to adapt to situations in which you are uncomfortable. If you aren't as great physically at soccer, you learn other ways to be competitive. Maybe you get better technically or tactically in your sport. The bottom line is you learn how to adapt.
Secondly, you don't run the same risk of burnout. How many great young athletes have you heard of that quit early because they were burned out? I'm all for teaching our kids lessons like competition, teamwork, camraderie, etc., but we have to draw the line at some point and allow them to have fun.
Quite simply, sport-specificity is great, but it's not the be-all, end-all of training. At I-FAST, especially with our younger athletes, our goal is to build ATHLETES first and foremost. The more athletic they are, the more potential they have to succeed in any sport in the future.
Stay strong
Friday, December 12, 2008
Flu-ridden Friday
With that being said, let's have a few quick hit thoughts for the blog and call it a weekend, okay?
- Tuesday night my wife had to work late, so I got to refamiliarize myself with one of the greatest movies of all-time: Conan the Barbarian. I mean does it get any better than bloodshed, mayhem, and Arnold all in one movie? I don't even consider myself an "arms" guy, but Arnold was one proportional, well-built mofo.
- On Monday our gym will be featured on the fitness segment of Fox 59's newscast. Obviously, this is pretty cool! We'll mostly be discussing the gym and the non-traditional cardio workouts we use (Prowler, dragging sleds, kettlebells, med balls, etc.)
- I plan on doing absolutely nothing this weekend, just in case you cared ;)
I told you it was quick hit today - we'll be back in action next week with some serious content. Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Random thoughts - 12/9

- Everyone knows I'm a huge football fan. One of my favorite players (even though he's not a Colt) is Marion Barber of the Dallas Cowboys. If you like hard-hitting, smash-mouth football, you have to like MB3. As many have noted, the guy "runs angry."
However, has Jerry Jones lost his mind? He recently called out Barber for - wait for it - for being soft because he couldn't play with a dislocated toe and calf injury!
Now maybe it's just me, but it seems as though the ability to plant, cut and run effectively might be important for a running back in the NFL. And it also seems to me that your foot and calf are kind of important for all of these. Call me crazy, but this is one guy on the team I wouldn't want to call out in that regard.
- NSCA CEU time is rolling around again, and we offer CEU's for all of our products. Be sure to check out our products page if you need last minute CEU's for this 2008 reporting period!
- The web update is getting closer every day, and I really think you're going to enjoy the look and feel of the new site. You'll obviously have all the same great content, but we've incorporated some much needed functional changes so that you'll never have to go randomly clicking for articles/posts again!
- I'm officially out of my fantasy football league as of this past weekend. Without Barber, and Clinton Portis playing poorly, I really didn't have a shot. All well, maybe next year!
Stay strong